Dominique Monnet, MD, PhD, is Professor of Ophthalmology at University Paris Descartes since 2011, and is head of the brand new operating « open space » recently created in Cochin Hospital in Paris, among the Ophthalmology department directed by Prof. Brézin, one of the most important ophthalmology department in France, and one of the most modern ophthalmic surgery facilities in the world.
Dominique Monnet received his medical degree in 2001 from Lariboisière Medical University, Paris, and completed a Research Fellowship in ocular inflammatory diseases, in University California Los Angeles (UCLA) in 2003.
He also was entitled to supervise Research, and got his PhD in 2009. Dominique Monnet was recently involved in a french National research protocol on Femtosecond Laser Assisted Cataract Surgery.